How to Add Music to PowerPoint

How to Add Music to PowerPoint

Adding music to a PowerPoint presentation will make your audience more attentive. But let me give a quick response to the question. Adding music to PowerPoint involves going to the “Insert” tab, clicking “Audio,” and choosing “Audio on My PC” to add a music file from your computer. You can then adjust the playback options to suit your needs.

Step Description
1. Open PowerPoint Launch your PowerPoint presentation where you want to add music.
2. Go to “Insert” Tab Click on the “Insert” tab in the PowerPoint ribbon.
3. Select “Audio” Click on the “Audio” dropdown menu in the “Media” group.
4. Choose “Audio on My PC” Select “Audio on My PC” to browse and choose a music file from your computer.
5. Adjust Playback Settings Click on the audio icon, then go to the “Playback” tab to set options like start mode, looping, and volume.
6. Hide Audio Icon (Optional) If you don’t want the audio icon visible, select it and check “Hide During Show” in the playback options.
7. Save Your Presentation After setting up the audio, save your presentation to keep changes.

That, however, was just but a drop in the ocean; for more detailed steps on how to go about it using numerous ways and on varied platforms, read this comprehensive and well-rounded guide. The right background music introduces the theme of any business meeting, educational, or personal slideshows into which it will be incorporated, allowing viewers to be more engaged with what you have to say. If you want to learn about how to add music to PowerPoint or you are looking for step-by-step instructions for various PowerPoint versions or different sources of music, you can find them in this article.

insert music to PowerPoint

For a visual, try this tutorial:

How to Add Background Music to your PowerPoint Slides by Teacher’s Tech


Do you Want Professional PowerPoint presentation Design Services? At Do My PowerPoint (PowerPoint Presentation Design Agency), our professionals will craft dazzling presentations with flawlessly integrated audio for any presentation.

Why Put Music in Your PowerPoint Presentation?

Adding music to your slides can help in the following ways:

• Engagement: The audience is more willing to listen.

• Emotional: To set the mood and evoke in the audience, feelings that concern your subject.

• Emphasizing: A background track could emphasize points without drowning the message.

• Flow: Transition between slides is made smooth by persistent audio.

Understanding how to incorporate music into PowerPoint can make that difference in your slides-from being static to being dynamic-for enhancing the effectiveness of your presentation.

This video will show, in a couple of easy steps, how to set the mood for your slides with background music.

How to Add Background Music to PPT (Quick Tutorial) by SlideUpLift


Preparing Your Music Files

Before adding music, ensure your audio file is compatible with PowerPoint. PowerPoint supports a range of audio formats like MP3, WAV, and WMA. It is best to use high-quality files for clarity of sound. Also, consider the length of the music with regard to the time of your presentation.

 PowerPoint compatible Audio formats

Pro Tip: Compressing large audio files will reduce the overall size of your PowerPoint file and ensure smooth playback during your presentation without losing any quality.

Adding Music from Different Sources

Adding Music from YouTube

While PowerPoint does not have that feature built in and integrating it requires some specific steps in PowerPoint, you can use YouTube as the source for your presentation music. Following is a workaround:

1. Find the YouTube video with the music you want to use.

Adding Music YouTube PowerPoint

2. Use a YouTube to MP3 converter to download the audio
3. Optional: Convert the File: Make sure the audio is in a format compatible with PowerPoint, like MP3.
4. Open Microsoft PowerPoint and click the Insert tab.
5. Under Audio, select Audio on My PC.

insert Music YouTube PowerPoint

6. Locate the downloaded file and select insert.
7. To Configure Playback, decide whether music would be played on all slides or chosen slides.

insert youtube music PowerPoint

Please use the song under copyright. The best alternative to avoid possible lawsuits is by using royalty-free music.

Adding Music from iTunes & Apple Music

How to add apple music to powerpoint?

For iTunes users, follow these simple steps to insert your songs in PowerPoint:
1. Launch iTunes: Select the song that you want to use.
2. (Optional) Convert to MP3:
• Go to Preferences, then to General, and click Import Settings.
• Choose the MP3 Encoder and click OK.

Add Music from iTunes PowerPoint

• Then right-click the song and click Create MP3 Version.

insert Music iTunes PowerPoint slide

The integration of iTunes will give high-quality audio in presentations.

Although Apple Music main usage is streaming the track, for inserting them into PowerPoint, do it like this:
1. Download the Track: you’ll need an active subscription and to download the song to your device first.

add Music Apple Music PowerPoint slide

2. (Optional) Convert to a Compatible Format: Any converter software can be used to convert this track into MP3 or WAV.

And then, just like the previous sections, you can follow these steps whether you used iTunes or Apple Music:
3. Add into PowerPoint:
• Go to Insert tab.
• Click Audio > Audio on My PC.

insert Music Apple Music PowerPoint

• Find MP3 and click Insert
4. Change Settings: here you can specify whether the audio should play instantly when opened, on click, and whether it should loop until stopped.

add audio Apple Music PowerPoint

Adding Music from Spotify

How to add music to powerpoint from spotify?

It is not possible to directly link Spotify in PowerPoint, but we can do something similar to what we did for YouTube:
1. Look up the song you want on Spotify.
2. Use Spotify to MP3 converter if you have the right to use the music.
3. Save the MP3 file to your computer.
4. Insert into PowerPoint:
5. In the Insert tab, select Audio then Audio on My PC.

insert Music YouTube PowerPoint

6. Select the converted file and click Insert.
7. Set Playback: Decide on autoplay or begin on click/manual depending upon your presentation style and flow.

insert youtube music PowerPoint


Again, remember copyright restrictions while using music from Spotify or any streaming service.

Adding Music to PowerPoint in different platforms

Adding Music to PowerPoint on Mac

Adding music on a Mac is like that of Windows, with slightly different steps as explained below:
1. Open Your Presentation: Open PowerPoint and open the desired slide.
2. Insert Audio:
a. Go to the Insert menu.
b. Select Audio > Link to sound or insert audio.

Add Music PowerPoint Mac

c. Select your music file and click Insert.
3. Configure Playback:
a. Use the Audio Format tab to set playback options.
b. Choose to start the music automatically or on click.
c. To make the music continue on several slides, click to set it accordingly.

insert Music PowerPoint Mac

4. Audio Icon Hide:
a. You can also check Hide During Show so that the icon of audio does not appear during the presentation.

With these easy steps, Mac users can easily insert music into their PowerPoint presentation.

Adding Music to PowerPoint on iPhone & iPad (iOS)

How to Add Music to PowerPoint on iOS Devices:
1. Open your presentation in the PowerPoint application.
2. Tap the “+” icon to insert.

Add Music PowerPoint iPhone iPad

3. Tap “Insert from.”
4. Choose an audio file from your device or cloud storage area.
5. Tap “Insert” to set your slide with music.

Adding Background Music to PowerPoint 2007 Slides

For older versions, like PowerPoint 2007, this is how you do it:
1. Click on the “Insert” tab.
2. Choose “Movies and Sounds” then “Sound from File.”

Add Background Music PowerPoint 2007

3. Choose an audio file you want to add and click “OK.”
4. A dialog box opens, asking you whether you want the sound to play automatically or upon click. Select one of your choices.
5. To make the music play on all slides, right-click on the sound icon and select “Custom Animation.”

Add Music PowerPoint 2007

6. In the Custom Animation pane, click the dropdown menu next to the sound file and click “Effect Options.”
7. On the “Effect” tab select “Stop playing: After” and select the last slide number.

Differences Between PowerPoint Versions

While the general process of adding music is the same in different versions of PowerPoint, there are certain differences:

Feature PowerPoint 2007 PowerPoint 2010+ PowerPoint for Mac PowerPoint App (iOS)
Insert Audio Insert > Movie and Sound Insert > Audio Insert > Audio Insert > Audio
Playback Settings Basic options via Sound Options Enhanced Playback tab Audio Format tab Limited playback settings
Looping Audio Loop until stopped checkbox Play across slides checkbox Set to loop in playback settings Limited looping capabilities
Compatibility Limited format support Wider format support Similar to Windows versions Compatible with iOS audio formats
User Interface Ribbon interface with Movie tab Ribbon interface with Audio section Mac-specific ribbon layout Touch-optimized interface


Q: How to add music to a PowerPoint presentation for all slides?

A: To add music that plays across all slides:
1. Insert the audio file as previously described.
2. Click on the audio icon on your slide.
3. On the “Playback” tab, Select the “Play in Background.”

Add Background Music PowerPoint

4. Set “Start” to “Automatically.”
5. Set “Play Across Slides” as needed.

add audio Apple Music PowerPoint

This method works for adding background music in PowerPoint for all slides, putting music behind PowerPoint, and adding music to an entire PowerPoint presentation.

This tutorial teaches you how to add a song that plays across slides in the background:

How to Add Background Music to a PowerPoint Video with Photos by Microsoft Education


Q: How to add music to PowerPoint across multiple slides?

A: Follow the procedure above for putting music across all slides. You may also want to trim the audio to fit particular sections of your presentation, or even use different audio files for different parts of the presentation. You do it by following these steps:
1. Follow the steps above, After the last step, follow this:
2. When the audio has been inserted into the slide of interest, click on the Animations tab on the ribbon.
3. On the far-right end of the toolbar, click Animation Pane.

insert music PowerPoint multiple slides


4. In the Animation pane, double-click the item for your audio clip.
5. In the Play Audio dialog, Effects tab under Stop playing click After then specify number of slides that you want music to play over.

add music PowerPoint multiple slides


Adding music to a presentation can help enhance the overall impact and make it more engaging. There are several ways you can add audio to your slides, whether you are using a Windows PC, Mac, or even your mobile device. Always make sure you don’t violate copyright laws, and that the music does not overpower your message.

Also, if you are in search of deeper guidance, any type of resources, or just professional presentation services to nail your presentations, let us help you at For your convenience and ability to produce the best content for your presentations.

Amir Shahtoori
Amir Shahtoori

Amir is a skilled PowerPoint designer and founder of DoMyPowerPoint, dedicated to creating high-quality, affordable presentations. He combines creativity with practicality to help professionals and businesses communicate effectively. Passionate about accessible design, Amir shares tips through his articles to help others enhance their presentation skills.

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